According to the MUR national ranking list published on the Universitaly portal, candidates ‘assigned’ to the University of Messina (Unime) are allowed to enrol, following the online procedure on the University Portal, until January 16, 2023, 11.59 pm CET. Hand delivery of papers to the Students Services Office will not be accepted.
By the same deadline (January 16, 2023,11.59 pm CET), it is mandatory to upload the scanned copy of the following documents:
- Dated and signed enrolment request;
- ID document;
- Fiscal code.
After the above-mentioned deadline, the online procedure will be closed. Those candidates who will not have submitted their enrolment will be considered as renouncing.
Candidates who intend to enrol at UniME must first log in with their SPID credentials, register at the University portal and register at the ‘nuovo concorso’, named ‘ESTERNI’.
Only after completing this registration, they will be able to proceed with online enrolment, compulsorily no later than January 16, 2023,11.59 pm CET. After this deadline, the enrolment procedure will be closed.
‘Assigned’ or ‘booked’ candidates already enrolled in another Study Course at Unime, who intend to carry out the ‘course change’, must send, compulsorily not later than January 16, 2023, 11.59 pm CET, the related form to the email address (cc the competent Student Services Office ), with subject ‘CHANGE TO THE NATIONAL PROGRAMMED ACCESS DEGREE COURSE’ / “PASSAGGIO DI CORSO CDL PROGRAMMATO NAZIONALE“
The extra-EU candidates resulting 'assigned' in the ranking linked below and meaning to enrol at Unime, must firstly log on the University website and register to: “nuovo concorso” (named ESTERNI) – in Medicine and Surgery; then send an e-mail to
Only after receiving a reply, candidates can proceed with the online enrolment procedure, as described below, compulsorily no later than January 16, 2023, 11.59 pm CET.
Enrolment requests, correctly filled in any field, must be compulsorily completed via WEB no later than the above-mentioned terms (hand delivery of papers to Students Services Office will not be accepted) and contain:
- dated and signed enrolment request;
- copy of an identity card;
- copy of the fiscal code;
After the deadline, online procedure will be no longer available, and not properly registered candidates will be considered as renouncing.
For any doubts and/or administrative information (e.g. deadlines, enrolment, etc.), please contact one of the following email addresses:, (for assistance in the enrolment procedure).