Good Governance - Anti-discrimination policies


The University of Messina promotes effective equality in professional training, access to employment, working and study conditions, career progression, pay; it also supports the dissemination of the culture of equal opportunities through the enhancement of gender studies and the carrying out of scientific, training and cultural activities, in order to favor the creation of a working, research and study environment based on organizational well-being.

These policies have found crystallization within the University regulations.

The Code of Ethics and Conduct is the container which contains the principles which inspire the activity of all the components of the university community and of all those who establish relationships with the University, sharing its values.

The Code does not limit itself to identifying the values ​​on which its activity is based, but also identifies the prohibitions on behaviors that could be an obstacle to the realization of the fundamental values ​​of the university community and the rules aimed at avoiding any form of discrimination and abuse , as well as to regulate cases of conflict of interest and in matters of intellectual property; represents the reference for regulating the internal and external relations of the University in ethical terms, proposing itself as a declaration of principles accepted and shared by teachers and researchers, managerial and technical administrative staff, students and by all those who establish relationships with the University, sharing values.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Positive Action Plan (PAP) intervenes in various areas of the institutional activity of the University with the aim of promoting equal opportunities for all the components who study and work there, proposing:

• measures and actions aimed at preventing and combating all forms of discrimination, in particular if based on gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion, personal and political beliefs, disability conditions, age;

• effective gender equality, identifying any direct and indirect discrimination in academic and professional training, access to employment, working conditions, career progression, pay, and proposing the necessary initiatives to remove them;

• to disseminate the culture of equal opportunities, also through the valorisation of gender studies and the carrying out of scientific, training and cultural activities;

• actions aimed at promoting the creation of a working environment marked by organizational well-being, contrasting any form of discrimination and moral, physical or psychological violence;

• the adoption of work-life balance policies.

Positive Action Plan

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of the University of Messina was developed within the European project (Horizon 2020) LeTSGEPs “Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research performing organization”.

The GEP defines a series of actions to be implemented over a three-year time horizon (June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2024) in order to collaborate and promote gender equality within the University and in the reference area. It is also envisaged that it is monitored and updated on an annual basis.

Gender Equality Plan