The trend of the evolution of the energy system, obtained in the 2017-2022 timeframe (2020 was excluded because of the pandemic), considering integrative policies to be introduced in order to achieve specific zero emission targets, takes into account the abatement of the emission factor from electrical consumption and from thermoelectric fossil noncogenerative electricity production that will be present in those time horizons. Depending on the policies and actions undertaken by the University, a CO2 reduction is estimated to be in line with the provisions of the National Electricity Strategy (SEN) Ministry Of Ecological Transition - Dgis The National Energy Situation In 2021), which has defined two scenarios involving the progressive development of renewable energies and the progressive reduction of coal use in line with Italy's European and international commitments. Note that the "SEN scenario" is characterized by the renunciation of coal use starting in 2025. Having estimated the values of emission factors as of 2030 in the two scenarios, based on the expected use of fossil fuels in those time horizons, values of emission factors as of 2030 have been considered for the purposes of the Mitigation Plan, reduced by 51% from the current ones. In this way it is possible to estimate the achievement of the goal, for scope 2, of zero emissions in 2040.
As illustrated in the Energy Manager report, available at p. 11 of the University Sustainability Commission report, it is estimated that the scope 1 target of zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2040 will be reached.
Sustainability Commission Report