The Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Messina hosted the international conference "DONARTE 2022, Donation and Art: Nicholas And Rolly Testimonials" on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October 2022.
It is a scientific and social awareness event, on the theme of organ donation and transplants, which aims to combine science and art in the setting of the city of the Strait. The event was attended by some of the highest authorities in the field of transplantology and organ donation at an international level.
On the evening of Saturday 1 October, a social awareness event on this issue was also held at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele in Messina, with the presence of artists in the fields of music, dance, theater and sport. During the congress, a temporary exhibition was set up with works in different art forms (painting, sculpture, photography, poetry, writing, etc.) open to citizens as well as to congress participants. The date of October 1st is linked to the anniversary of the death of Nicholas Green, the American child mortally wounded in an ambush on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria route in 1994 and who donated his organs, saving the lives of 7 Italians, many of whom were still alive. life.