Group of cheerful students

Student Help Desk - Psychological Support

Psychological support for students

Starting from the academic year 2018/19, the Centre for Psychological Research and Intervention (CERIP) of the University of Messina provides free psychological and guidance support to students throughout their university career.

Main tasks:

  • Supporting students during orientation in synergy with the COP (Orientation and Placement Unit).
  • Supporting students with special needs in synergy with the University's Disability/DSA Unit.

The aim of the service is to facilitate the students' transition from higher education to university, thereby favouring their integration process.

Before enrolment, students can be guided towards a conscious choice of a suitable study pathway, consistently matching personal interests, aptitudes, aspirations and needs. During the course, they may be helped to identify strengths and weaknesses, to enhance cognitive, emotional, relational and behavioural resources, in order to prevent and reduce conditions of discomfort and malaise and, most of all, to promote psychological well-being and achieve a satisfactory process of personal and cultural growth and maturation. Similarly and for the same reasons, students with specific difficulties (e.g. DSA, stress, anxiety, difficulties in adapting or organising study) will be able to benefit from individualised psychological support and/or group interventions and constant monitoring.

According to current legislation and to the Code of Ethics of Italian Psychologistsprivacy protection is guaranteed: our Psychologists are bound to professional secrecy. The psychologists in charge of meeting students are also responsible for processing their personal data.

To find out how to take advantage of CERIP services, visit the website:

UniME students are kindly requested to fill in the form attached below to request the dedicated services.

The form can be sent by e-mail to or delivered directly to the Centre's offices every morning from 9 am to 12.