In this section it is possible to download the University of Messina PhD Program Regulations and the documentation supporting the management of PhD activities. Document Unime Code of Conduct Document PhD Guide Document AlmaLaurea Occupational Report Document Ministerial Decree no. 226 of 14.12.2021 GAZZETTA UFFICIALE.pdf Document D.R. n. 834-2022 Amendment of PhD Regulations Document Ministerial Decree no. 247 of 23.02.2022 New PhD scholarship amount Browse the section 40th PhD CALL, BY QUALIFICATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS, FOR ADMISSION TO PHD COURSES ACTIVATED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MESSINA A.Y. 2024/2025 Inter-University PhD course 40th cycle Industrial PhDs Doctor Europæus Active PhD programmes (a.y. 2024/2025) PhD procedures Joint Research PhD Thesis Final exams and graduation Certificates and PhD Parchment PhD Regulations and Legislation Recognition of the PhD qualification obtained abroad PhD Office PhD archive