Call for the assignment of Erasmus+ scholarships for postgraduate students at Extra-EU Universities, exp. date 27/12/2024

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The call for the assignment of Erasmus+ scholarships for postgraduate students at Extra-EU Universities has been published.

WHO: Only students enrolled in a Ph.D. Programme or a Postgraduate school at UniME

WHEN: A.Y. 2024/25, until July 31, 2025


  • Long mobility: minimum 2 months (60 days) maximum 12 months (360 days) 
  • Short mobility: minimum 5 days, maximum 30 days

WHERE: Extra-EU Erasmus+ Partner universities (Albania, Cuba, Ethiopia, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova, South Africa)

HOW to apply

Students who are interested in participating should apply online using the ESSE3 platform. 


Application: 27 December, 2024 at 23:59 CET


  • Long mobility: €700/month, plus a contribution for the flight ticket
  • Short mobility: €70,00/day for the first 14 days, €50,00/day from the 15th to the 30th day, plus a contribution for the flight ticket


For further information contact the Extra-EU Mobility Programs Unit,, or consult the Italian version of the Call available at the following link: