Our campuses

Unime is organized into 4 main campuses. The University offers free shuttle bus services to reach the “Annunziata” and “Papardo” Campuses. Students have the opportunity to use  the city buses and trams for a discounted price. 

The Central Building
Facciata unime

Located in the city centre  the Central Building  hosts the Rectorate, the University’s Administration Offices and the secretary offices and the following departments of:

  • Law
  • Economics
  • Political and Juridical Sciences
  • Cognitive Science, Psychology,  Education and Cultural Studies 
The University Hospital Policlinico Universitario “G. Martino”

Located  in the southern part of the city, it hosts the departments of:

  • Clinical and Experimental Medicine
  • Adult and Childhood Pathology “Gaetano Barresi”
  • Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphological and Functional  Imaging  
The “Annunziata” Campus

 Located in the centre-north part of the city, it hosts the following departments of:

  • Ancient and Modern Civilizations
  • Veterinary Medicine
The “Papardo” Campus

Located in the northern part of the city, it hosts the departments of:

  • Engineering
  • Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Physics and Earth Sciences
  • Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences