Application Call for Erasmus+ Mobility for Study Grants, A.Y. 2024/2025 (deadline: 29 April 2024, 1:00 pm)

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The Call for Applications for Erasmus+ Study Mobility Grants for the A.Y. 2024/2025 has been published. The application deadline is 29 April 2024, 1:00 pm

Applications can only be submitted online through the ESSE3 portal by logging in with personal account credentials. 

Erasmus Mobility for Study may take place in Partner Universities with which the University of Messina has signed an agreement. The destinations available for each Department are attached to the Call for Applications in the documents “Attachment 1 - Destinations available Erasmus+ for Study 2024-25 1st and 2nd cycle" and “Attachment 2 - Destinations available Erasmus+ for Study 2024-25 3rd cycle”, and can be viewed on the ESSE3 profile when submitting the application. 

During the mobility period, it is possible to carry out the following activities: 

  • Attend courses and take exams. 
  • Combine a study period with a period of curricular internship/dissertation research. 
  • Carrying out research within the framework of the relevant doctorate. 

The types of mobility are (art.3): 

  • Long mobility (well-known type of mobility): aimed at all 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle students with a minimum duration of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. 
  • Short mobility: type of mobility reserved for doctoral students only. This mobility may last from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 30 days. Short mobility must be agreed and authorised as specified in art. 8.3 of the Announcement. 

Mobility can be started from 1 September 2024, must be completed by 30 September 2025 and must be carried out on a continuous basis. In combined study/internship mobility, the two activities must take place consecutively and not simultaneously.

Language Level Assessment (Art. 2). The students will need prove that they possess the level of language proficiency required by the Host Institution by:  

  • Submitting one of the International Language Certificates recognised by MUR. 
  • Self-certifying the passing and registering of the language exam required in the degree programme study plan. For three-year degree courses, the language exam passed is expected to be at B1 level, while for master's and single-cycle degree courses, it is expected to be at B2 level, except in cases in which a different level is required (attachment 3).  
  • Self-certifying the passing of the CLA test for participation in the Calls for Erasmus+ Study or Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility in the calendar years 2022 and 2023 (attachment 3).  
  • Self-certifying the passing of the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) test, in case they have already carried out an Erasmus mobility in previous academic years (attachment3)  
  • Self-certifying that they are native speakers and/or students enrolled in courses entirely taught in English (attachment 3)  

Participation in the Call for Applications without specific language proficiency is also allowed. In this case, in order to participate in the Call for Applications, it will be necessary to submit the "Letter of Language Commitment" (attachment 4), in which the students commit to achieve the language level required by the foreign location STRICTLY by June 30, 2024 for departures from the 1st semester and the full year, and by November 30, 2024 for departures of the 2nd semester, under penalty of revocation of the scholarship and consequent reassignment of the scholarship at the available location to another student, in one of the following ways:  

  • Passing and registering the language exam required in the study plan (attachment 4). 
  • Passing a CLA test administered by UniME, specifically organised for Erasmus mobility (attachment 4).   

Students who participate in the Call for Applications without specific language proficiency ("letter of commitment") will be considered "conditionally eligible" for the mobility grant, if successfully selected.   

For the A.Y. 2024/2025, UniME will also make available substantial supplementary resources for Erasmus+ Mobility grants, allocating them on the basis of ISEEU-area and merit (number of ECTS credits obtained abroad).  

Financial Contribution for Long Mobility (art. 7.1): The contribution allocated to Erasmus+ Long Mobility for Study consists of the following items: 

  • Item A: Community monthly grant allocated by the Erasmus+ National Agency Indire, paid to all the students who result as grant holders, varying according to the country of destination (250/300/350 euro according to the Item A table in art. 7 of the call). 

  • Item B: Supplementary contribution for economically disadvantaged situations, paid on the basis of the possession of specific requirements regarding merit and economic/financial situation according to table Item B of art. 7 of the call for applications. 

  • Item C: Supplementary community grants for students with special needs, intended for students with specific physical, mental or health conditions as per Item C of art. 7 of the call for applications. 

Financial Contribution for Short Mobility (Art. 7.2): The contribution for Erasmus+ Study Short Mobility consists of the following items: 

  • Individual support: daily amount depending on the mobility period, according to the table in art 7.2. 

  • Top-up: one-off contribution for doctoral students with fewer opportunities in possession of ISEE requirements defined in the specific Ministerial Provisions (art 7.2). 

The total contribution due to each student (National Agency contribution + UniME integration) will be paid in two instalments:  

  • 80% of the total amount upon arrival at the foreign location - in order to give students the economic availability to more easily face the initial particularly high expenses. 

  • Remaining 20% of the total amount at the end of the mobility (the supplement to the grant, according to the above mentioned ITEM B, will be paid upon calculation of the ECTS credits recognised and registered in the transcript of the exams taken). 

Students can apply directly from their personal student account on the ESSE3 platform.  

The available destinations for each Department are attached to the Application Call in the documents “Attachment 1 - Destinations available Erasmus+ for Study 2024-25 1st and 2nd cycle" and “Attachment 2 - Destinations available Erasmus+ for Study 2024-25 3rd cycle”, and can be viewed on the ESSE3 profile when submitting the application.  

For a pre-assessment of the subjects that can be taken at the foreign location, it is recommended to consult the Erasmus+ Mobility for Study Exam Database, available online.  

Erasmus+ Mobility for Study are informed that an information webinar will be held on Monday 22 April at 2 pm to present mobility opportunities and how to apply. 

On Tuesday 23 April at 2 pm, an English-language webinar will be held for international students. 

While registering, students can select in which of the two webinars they wish to participate. 

The webinars, organised by the Study Mobility Unit, will host UniME students already involved in mobility, who will share their experience. The second part of the webinar will include a Q/A session. 

To take part in the event, it is necessary to register in advance (by 18 April at 11:00 am) on the specific registration form. 

Participation is not compulsory, however strongly recommended.

It is recommended to read carefully the Application Call in advance, especially relating to requirements and participation procedure. In addition, the FAQ section provides answers to frequently asked questions.  

In addition to the regular activity of assistance by telephone or via teams, the staff of the Study Mobility Unit (Unità Operativa Mobilità per Studio) provides students with: an Erasmus+ Mobility for Study Exam Database to facilitate the choice of the foreign location a Mobility Handbook summarising the main activities to be carried out for a successful mobility. 

Study Mobility Unit  (Unità Operativa Mobilità per Studio)   

International Mobility Unit 

Administrative Department Instruction and Advanced Training 

Tel.: 090/676-8532-8349  


Students can also book an interview on Teams by sending an e-mail in order to schedule the call in advance.