Double Degree

Double Degrees image

The University of Messina offers a growing selection of study programmes that include double degree opportunities with international partner institutions.  A Double Degree Programme (DDP) gives students the opportunity to study at least one year abroad acquiring core knowledge and skills. At the end of the DDP, selected students will receive a graduate Diploma both from UniME and the international institution.

Double Degree Programmes available at the University of Messina

Master’s Degree in Engineering and Computer Science (UniME – Dept. of Engineering): One DDP with Master of Science in Software Technology (Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Dept. of Computing - Hong Kong, China).

Master’s degree in Filosofia Contemporanea (UniME – Dept. of Ancient and Modern Civilizations): One DDP with Licence canonique en philosophie (Institut Catholique de Toulouse - Faculty of Philosophy - Toulouse, France).

Master’s degree in Scienze economiche e finanziarie (UniME – Dept. of Economics): Two DDPs with Master’s degree in International Business (Cracow University of Economics – Dept. of Economics - Cracow, Poland) and Master in Economie Appliquée (University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli – Faculty of Economics and Management - Corse, France).

Master’s Degree in International Management (UniME – Dept. of Economics): One DDP with Master’s Degree in International Management (AGH University of Science and Technology – Faculty of Management - Cracow, Poland).

Master’s degree in Modern Languages: Literature and Translation (UniME –Dept. of Ancient and Modern Civilizations): One DDP with Master mention Lettres et humanités (Université Bordeaux Montaigne University – Dept. of Literatures and Languages - Bordeaux, France).

Single Cycle Degree in Giurisprudenza (UniMe – Dept. of Law): One DDP with Grado en Derecho (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha – Facultad de Derecho - Spain).

Selection criteria

Selection criteria and application procedures are spelled out in each DDP agreement.

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