Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery, A.Y. 2024/2025: 2nd ranking scrolling for EU and EU-equivalent candidates.
According to the MUR national ranking list published on the Universitaly portal, EU and EU-equivalent candidates resulting as ‘assigned’ to the University of Messina (UniME) are allowed to enrol, following the online procedure on the University Portal:
- Step 1: Registration of personal data and uploading of educational documents; selection of the items 'admission test' and subsequently 'Second level Single-Cycle six-year Degree Programme' (i.e. Medicine and Surgery), 'Facoltà SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE, ODONTOIATRICHE E DELLE IMMAGINI MORFOLOGICHE E FUNZIONALI] MEDICINE AND SURGERY' (Impartito - taught in English) and 'A.A. 2024-2025 - ESTERNI - Ammissione Magistrale in Medicine and Surgery'.
- Step 2: After the step 1 procedure, from the 'Menu' options, selection of the items 'registar's office' and subsequently 'enrolment'.
Mandatory deadline for enrolment: October 29, 2024, 11.59 pm CET
The enrolment requests must be correctly submitted on-line by the mandatory deadline mentioned above. By the same deadline, it is mandatory to upload the following documents :
- ID document.
- Fiscal code.
- DOV - Declaration of Value (only for International students).
After the above-mentioned deadline, the on-line procedure will be closed. Candidates who will not have submitted their enrolment on due time will be considered as renouncing.
For any doubts and/or administrative information, please contact: uop1.medsanvet@unime.it, welcomepoint@unime.it uop.welcomeoffice@unime.it