
This section is designed to guide you through every stage of your journey as you begin your studies at the University of Messina. 

From the moment you receive your visa to your first days on campus, this section provides all the information and support you need to ensure a smooth transition to university life.

Pre Arrival

The Pre-Arrival sub-section helps you prepare for your move to Messina. Here, you’ll find essential information on entry requirements, visa applications, financial planning, and more. This section also covers practical advice on housing, living costs, and the initial steps you need to take before arriving in Italy.

To study at the University of Messina, international students must meet specific entry requirements based on the level and type of program they wish to pursue. The key requirements include:

  1. Academic Qualifications:
    • You must hold a qualification that is equivalent to the Italian secondary school diploma for Bachelor’s programs.
    • For Master’s and PhD programs, you need to have a relevant undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
  2. Language Proficiency:
    • Non-native speakers may be required to provide proof of proficiency in the language of instruction (usually Italian or English), depending on the program.
  3. Pre-enrolment and Visa Application:
    • All international students must complete the pre-enrolment process online via the Universitaly portal.
    • This process includes submitting your personal information and choosing your desired program. After pre-enrolment, your application will be validated by UniMe and then sent to the relevant Italian Embassy or Consulate for visa processing.

Applying for a student visa to study in Italy involves several steps:

  1. Determine Visa Requirements:
    • Before starting the visa application process, check whether you need a visa and what type you require by visiting the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
    • Typically, international students need a long-term D type study visa for courses lasting more than 90 days.
  2. Pre-enrolment on Universitaly:
    • Register and submit your pre-enrolment application on the Universitaly portal. This includes selecting your degree program, exchange program, or PhD program.
  3. Visa Application Process:
    • Once your pre-enrolment is validated by UniMe, your application will be forwarded to the designated Italian Embassy or Consulate.
    • The Embassy/Consulate will contact you to proceed with the visa application. You will need to provide the required documentation, which typically includes your passport, proof of enrollment, financial support evidence, and health insurance.

Please note, the issuance of a visa is at the sole discretion of the Italian Embassy or Consulate.

To ensure a smooth transition to your studies in Messina, follow this pre-departure checklist:

  1. Apply for a Visa (if required)
    • Determine whether a visa is necessary based on your citizenship and the duration of your studies.
    • Apply for the appropriate visa type well in advance.
  2. Address Financial Queries

    • Clarify any questions regarding tuition fees, living expenses, and financial aid.

    Proof of Financial Resources:

    • You must provide proof of financial sustainability for your visa and residence permit applications. This proof ensures that you can cover your academic and daily expenses while studying in Messina.

    Financial Requirements:

    • Annual Financial Availability: At least €6,079.45 (approximately €467.65 per month) as per Italian regulations.
    • Initial Funds: It is advisable to have approximately €1,000 available for initial expenses upon arrival, which may include:
      • Rent and housing deposit
      • Residence permit application fees
      • Health insurance
      • Utilities
      • Other immediate necessities

    Steps to Prove Financial Resources:

    1. Consult the Italian Embassy/Consulate: Contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country for specific financial documentation requirements.
    2. Prepare Documentation: Gather all necessary financial documents to demonstrate that you have the required funds.

    Ensure you have sufficient funds to cover initial expenses, as these costs typically arise before you can access your first scholarship installment or set up a local bank account.

Preparation for your arrival in Italy involves several key steps:

  1. Complete Your Pre-Departure Checklist
    • Make sure you have applied for your visa, arranged your finances, secured accommodation, and prepared all necessary documents as outlined in the pre-departure checklist.
  2. Plan Your Journey
    • Confirm your travel itinerary and ensure all travel documents are in order, including your passport, visa, and any required entry forms.
  3. Budget for Initial Expenses
    • Arrive with sufficient funds (approximately €1,000) to cover initial costs such as rent, deposits, and other necessities before you access your scholarship or local bank account.
  4. Familiarize Yourself with Messina
    • Research the city of Messina, including transportation options, local culture, and the university campus to help you settle in quickly.
  5. Stay Informed
    • Regularly check your email and the university’s communication channels for any updates or additional instructions related to your arrival.

At the University of Messina (UniMe), there are several options available to help finance your studies, especially if you are an international student. 

UniMe collaborates closely with the Regional Agency for the Right to Study (ERSU) in Sicily to ensure that students from diverse economic backgrounds have access to the financial support they need.

Options to finance your studies include:

  • Scholarships: UniMe offers scholarships in partnership with ERSU, aimed at students who demonstrate both academic excellence and financial need.
  • Affordable Services: ERSU provides additional services such as affordable meal options, student accommodations, and other essential student services to help reduce living costs.

These initiatives are designed to help you navigate your academic journey at UniMe without significant financial burdens.

For detailed information on the ERSU scholarship application and the range of benefits available, please visit ERSU Scholarship Benefits.

To apply for financial aid or scholarships at the University of Messina, you will primarily engage with the ERSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Study), which administers scholarships and other student services.

Steps to apply for an ERSU scholarship:

  1. Visit the ERSU Student Portal: Start your application by visiting the ERSU student portal.
  2. Register or Log In: Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Select Services: Follow the step-by-step instructions to choose the services you wish to apply for, including food, housing, and/or scholarships.
  4. Submit Required Documents: Ensure you have the following documents ready:
    • Passport
    • Family Income Certificate: This should be translated to Italian and legalized for ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) purposes.
    • Residence Permit or Receipt: You can upload this after submitting your initial application if you don’t have it yet.

ERSU Scholarship Benefits Include:

  • Financial Award
  • Tuition Fee Waiver
  • Accommodation
  • Meals

Eligibility and Allocation:

  • First-Year Students: Scholarships are based primarily on family income. Successful applicants receive 40% of the scholarship amount upfront, with the remaining 60% disbursed after earning a designated number of academic credits.
  • Second-Year and Beyond: Scholarships are allocated based on a combination of family income, average exam scores, and total credits earned.

Upon arriving in Italy, you can expect to go through several key steps to get settled:

  1. Arrival and Transportation:
    • Airport Transfers: Depending on your point of entry, you may arrive via Catania, Palermo, or Reggio Calabria airports. Each airport offers reliable transportation options to reach Messina, including direct buses, trains, and ferries.
      • Catania Airport: The most commonly used airport for Messina. You can take a direct bus to Messina Centre (approximately 2 hours). Tickets are available at or at the airport kiosk.
      • Palermo Airport: Travel involves a transfer to Palermo's Central Railway Station, followed by a train or bus to Messina (approximately 4 hours).
      • Reggio Calabria Airport: A route involving a ferry or speedboat to Messina. You can travel via Villa San Giovanni or use fast hydrofoils from Reggio Calabria Port.
    • Local Transport: Once in Messina, you can use the local bus or tram services, or opt for a taxi to reach your accommodation.
  2. Initial Setup:
    • Accommodation: Ensure you have pre-arranged accommodation. If not, temporary options such as hotels or short-term rentals are available.
    • Essential Services: Obtain an Italian SIM card for local communication and mobile data. Major telecom providers have stores in the city center where you can easily purchase a SIM card.
  3. Orientation:
    • Welcome Point: Visit the university’s Welcome Point for assistance and to collect any necessary documents. The staff can help with your initial orientation, including guidance on local services and university facilities.

Messina offers a variety of housing options tailored to student needs. Due to high demand, we recommend starting your accommodation search early. The primary types of housing available include:

  • Personal Apartments: Ideal for students seeking independent living spaces.
  • Shared Spaces in Private Flats or Apartments: Cost-effective, allowing students to share common areas while having their own bedrooms.
  • Rooms in ERSU Student Residences: Managed by ERSU, these are popular for students with scholarships.

ERSU Residences:

  • Gravitelli Residence: Features single and double rooms in apartments, conveniently located near the central campus.
  • Annunziata Residence: Offers private rooms on the Annunziata campus.
  • Papardo Residence: Provides private rooms near the Papardo campus.

Each residence is furnished, offering shared kitchens and bathrooms, and is strategically located to suit various student needs and campus proximities.

Securing accommodation before your arrival in Messina is essential due to high demand. 

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Explore the Private Housing Market:
    • Shared Apartments: Share an apartment with other students, each having a private bedroom. Utilize platforms like Idealista, Immobiliare, and Subito for listings.
    • Real Estate Agents: Local agents can assist in finding accommodation but may charge a commission (typically up to one month’s rent).
  • Consider Temporary Accommodation: If long-term housing isn't secured before arrival, book temporary accommodation through platforms like:

Important Tips:

  • Understand Your Rental Contract: Review terms carefully, including tenant responsibilities and maintenance obligations.
  • Security Deposits: Be prepared for a deposit of 2-3 months' rent, refundable upon satisfactory completion of your lease.
  • Furniture Considerations: Check if the apartment is furnished (“arredato”) or unfurnished, as this affects setup costs.
  • Document Existing Damages: Before moving in, document any pre-existing damages to protect your security deposit from unjust deductions.
On Arrival

This section covers everything you need to know once you’ve arrived, from the essential tasks you should complete right away to understanding the key services available to you.

Upon arriving in Messina, there are several important steps you need to take to ensure a smooth transition into your new life as a student:

  1. Visit the Welcome Point:
    • The Welcome Point is your first stop upon arrival. Located in our Central Campus, it provide immediate assistance and guidance to all incoming students. Here, you’ll receive essential information about the University of Messina, get acquainted with the different faculties, and gain insights into the best spots in the city. 
    • The Welcome Point also integrates new students into dedicated chat groups, which are specific to their courses, helping you connect with peers and stay informed.
  2. Obtain Your Codice Fiscale (Tax Code):
    • The Codice Fiscale is an essential Italian tax code needed for various administrative processes, such as opening a bank account and signing rental agreements.
  3. Apply for Your Residence Permit:
    • Non-EU students must apply for a residence permit within eight days of arrival in Italy. This permit is necessary for legal residency during your studies.
  4. Apply for National Health Insurance:
    • Health insurance is mandatory. Upon arrival, you should apply for national health insurance, which will cover your healthcare needs during your stay.
  5. Acquire Your ISEE Certification:
    • The ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) certification is required for accessing certain benefits, such as reduced tuition fees. This certification assesses your financial situation and is an important document for your time in Italy.
  6. Open an Italian Bank Account:
    • Opening a local bank account is necessary for managing finances in Italy. It simplifies payment of bills, tuition fees, and other expenses.
  7. Participate in the UniMe Orientation Programs:
    • The University of Messina hosts annual orientation programs specifically designed for international students. These events are a great way to familiarize yourself with both the university and the city of Messina, helping you settle in quickly.

When arriving in Messina, it’s essential to have the following documents prepared to facilitate your enrollment and settlement:

  1. Confirmation of Enrollment:
    • Ensure you bring your pre-acceptance letter and the pre-enrollment summary from the University of Messina. These documents are necessary for confirming your enrollment.
  2. Visa:
    • If you are a non-EU citizen, a valid student visa is mandatory. This should be obtained before entering Italy.
  3. Health Insurance:
    • Health insurance is mandatory for the initial months of your stay, as required by the embassy for visa issuance. This ensures you have coverage until you arrange national health insurance in Italy.
  4. Travel Essentials:
    • Keep your valid passport handy at all times. It’s your primary identification document during travel and stay.
  5. Declaration of Value or CIMEA Certificate of Comparability:
    • This document certifies that your foreign academic qualifications are equivalent to the Italian education system, which is crucial for your admission.
  6. Financial Assurance:
    • You must have documentation proving you have sufficient funds to cover your stay and studies in Italy. This could include bank statements, scholarship letters, or financial guarantees.
  7. Academic Records:
    • Bring the originals or notarized copies/translated versions of your past academic records, such as high school diplomas or university degrees. Also, have your language proficiency certificates ready if they are required for your program.

The Welcome Point is located at Via dei Verdi, 5 in the Central Campus of the University of Messina. The office is open during the following hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 09:00 - 12:30 / 14:30 - 16:00
  • Friday: 09:00 - 12:30

You can reach the Welcome Point via email at or by phone at +39-090.6768300.

The Welcome Point serves as the first touchpoint for all incoming students, providing a wide range of essential services to ensure a smooth transition to university life. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Immediate Assistance and Guidance: The Welcome Point offers support for various student needs, including information on financial aid and extracurricular activities.
  • Introduction to the University and City: The dedicated team, comprising local students and international student ambassadors, will guide you through the university, introduce you to different faculties, and highlight key spots in the city of Messina.
  • Welcome Programs: Every year, the Welcome Point, in collaboration with the Student Ambassador Program, hosts special Welcome Programs designed to help new students acclimate to both the University and the vibrant city life.

During your first days at the University of Messina, the Welcome Point provides vital support to help you settle in smoothly:

  • Integration into Student Networks: New students are integrated into dedicated WhatsApp chat groups specific to their courses. These groups facilitate peer-to-peer communication, share important updates, and provide a platform to discuss course-related queries. Each group has a designated course ambassador to assist with any concerns or questions.
  • Cultural Immersion and Support: The Welcome Point offers opportunities to connect with fellow students and immerse yourself in the local culture, making your transition to life in Messina easier and more enjoyable.
  • Comprehensive Assistance: Whether you need help navigating your new environment, understanding university procedures, or accessing resources, the Welcome Point is there to provide guidance and support, ensuring that your first days are as stress-free as possible.

The UniMe Student Ambassador Program is a dedicated initiative designed to assist prospective and newly enrolled international students at the University of Messina. 
The program provides support through a team of experienced student ambassadors who help newcomers navigate university life.

  • Ambassadors guide new students through academic processes, help them navigate the UniMe campus, and explain important cultural aspects of living in Italy. They also offer guidance on academic matters and can assist with understanding course structures and requirements.
  • Ambassadors help international students connect with the campus community by promoting and organizing social events and activities, encouraging interaction among peers. Beyond orientation, the ambassadors are available throughout the academic year, serving as a reliable resource for any queries or challenges students may face.
  • Ambassadors provide language assistance, helping non-Italian speaking students bridge communication gaps and adjust more smoothly to life in Messina.

The Codice Fiscale is a unique Italian identification code that serves as a tax code or fiscal code. It is essential for various formal procedures in Italy, especially for international students.

You will need a Codice Fiscale for the following activities:

  • Opening an Italian bank account
  • Applying for a residence permit
  • Registering on the university website

While Italian citizens receive their Codice Fiscale at birth, international students must request one upon arrival in Italy or through Italian consular authorities in their home country.

Applying for a Codice Fiscale as an International Student:

  1. In Your Home Country:
    • You can apply for the Codice Fiscale through the Italian diplomatic and consular authorities before arriving in Italy.
  2. In Messina:
    • To obtain your Codice Fiscale once in Messina, visit the local Agenzia delle Entrate office. The application process is free, and the agency will guide you through the necessary steps.

Steps to Apply in Messina:

  1. Visit the Agenzia delle Entrate:
    • The application process is straightforward and facilitated by the agency staff.
  2. Schedule an Appointment:
    • Appointments can be scheduled online. You can book your appointment through this link.

Required Documentation:

Obtaining your Codice Fiscale is crucial for ensuring that you can fully participate in both administrative and daily activities during your time in Italy.

If you are a student from a non-European Union country planning to stay in Italy for more than 3 months, you will need to apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit). It is essential to start the application process within the first 8 working days after your arrival in Italy.

To obtain your Permesso di Soggiorno, follow these steps:

1. Obtain Your Codice Fiscale

  • Before applying for the residence permit, you need to get a Codice Fiscale (Tax Code). This is a unique identification number required for various administrative processes in Italy. (Refer to our guide on how to obtain your Codice Fiscale.)

2. Complete the Permesso "Kit" at a CAF Office

  • Visit a CAF (Tax Assistance Center) to begin your application. They will provide you with a "Kit," which includes the necessary documents for your residence permit application.

3. Acquire a 16 Euros Duty Stamp (Marca da Bollo)

  • Purchase a Marca da Bollo stamp, which costs 16 Euros, from any tobacconist (Tabacchi).

4. Submit the Documents at Poste Italiane

  • Submit your application package at the designated Poste Italiane location: Via Corso Cavour, 180.

Use the Ufficio Postale app to book your appointment in advance.

Required Documents:

  • Original passport
  • The completed "Kit" from the CAF
  • Marca da Bollo stamp
  • Codice Fiscale
  • University enrollment certificate

Application Fee: 102.5 Euros.

  • After submitting your documents, you will receive a Ricevuta (payment receipt), which includes the date for your appointment at the Questura (Immigration Office). This receipt acts as a temporary residence permit.
  • Submit a copy of the Ricevuta to the University of Messina through this form to confirm your enrollment.

5. Attend Your Questura Appointment

  • Go to the Questura on the date specified in your Ricevuta for further processing of your residence permit.

Required Documents:

  • Original passport and copies of all pages
  • Codice Fiscale
  • 4 recent passport-sized photos
  • Acceptance letter from the University of Messina
  • Proof of financial resources (bank statements or scholarship receipts)
  • Health insurance

6. Await Your Electronic Residence Permit

You will receive an SMS notification when your electronic residence permit is ready for collection.

Collect it on the specified date and time provided in the SMS.

To enroll in the National Health Insurance system and obtain your Tessera Sanitaria, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the CAF Office:
    • Begin your application at the local ASP or CAF office in Messina.
  2. Prepare the Required Documents:
    • Passport: Make sure it is valid.
    • Codice Fiscale (Tax Code): Obtain this from the Agenzia delle Entrate.
    • Residence Permit (Permesso di Soggiorno): Or the receipt of application (Ricevuta).
    • Proof of Residence in Messina: A rental contract or proof of scholarship covering dormitory accommodations.
    • Receipt of SSN Registration Payment: Issued by the CAF office and paid at a Poste Italiane post office.
    • University Enrollment Certificate: To confirm your student status.
  3. Payment Process:
    • The fee is €700 per year and must be paid at any Poste Italiane post office. Note that the fee covers the entire calendar year and is non-divisible.
  4. Receive Your Tessera Sanitaria:
    • Digital Version: A digital version of your Tessera Sanitaria will be emailed to you after approval.
    • Physical Copy: A physical card will be mailed to your registered address.

By completing these steps, you will have the necessary health insurance coverage throughout your studies in Italy.

The ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation) is a certificate that reflects your family's economic income status. It is issued by the Italian Revenue Agency (INPS) and is an essential document for determining your eligibility for various financial benefits.

Relevance of the ISEE for Students:

  • Tuition Fee Reduction: Your ISEE certificate can help secure a reduction in your tuition fees based on your family's income level.
  • ERSU Scholarships and Meals: The ISEE is required when applying for ERSU scholarships and meal benefits.

To apply for the ISEE, you will need to visit a CAF (Centro di Assistenza Fiscale) office, where you can submit the necessary documents and request the certificate.

Require Documents:

  1. Passport: Ensure your passport is valid.
  2. Codice Fiscale: Obtain this from the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency).
  3. Family Income Certificate:
    • This certificate should reflect your family’s income from two years prior to the year of application.
    • For instance, if applying for the ISEE for the academic year 2024/2025, you will need income information from 2022.
    • The certificate must be authenticated by the relevant authorities in your home country and bear an apostille or similar legalization stamp.
  4. Certificate of Family Composition:
    • This document lists all family members, including their birth dates and relationships to the student.
    • It must also be authenticated and appropriately stamped by relevant authorities.
  5. Giacenza Media (if applicable):
    • Required only if you have an Italian bank account that was activated before 2022.
    • If your account was opened in 2022 or later, or if you do not have an Italian bank account, this document is not necessary.

Opening a bank account in Messina can be a straightforward process, especially if you're an international student at the University of Messina. While not mandatory for all students, having an Italian bank account is beneficial, particularly if you plan to apply for scholarships at UniMe. Here’s how you can open a bank account:

Is an Italian Bank Account Necessary?

  • If your bank account from your home country allows you to make transactions in Italy without significant fees, you may not need an Italian account. However, an Italian IBAN is required for scholarship applications, making it a smart choice for many students.

Documents Required

To open a bank account in Messina, you will need:

  1. Tax Identification Code (Codice Fiscale)
  2. Valid Passport and Visa
  3. UniMe Enrollment Certificate

Procedure for Opening an Account at UniCredit

  1. Appointment Booking:
    • Book an appointment at a UniCredit branch. Recommended branches include the Via Garibaldi Branch or Piazza Cairoli Branch.
    • You can use this link to schedule an appointment and choose the option to open a new Genius Card.
  2. Documentation:
    • On the day of your appointment, bring the following:
      • Passport
      • Codice Fiscale
      • Enrollment Certificate from UniMe
  3. Genius Card Tip:
    • It is recommended to opt for the UniMe Genius Card variant, which offers additional benefits specifically for UniMe students.

Once your account is set up, you can access it immediately through the UniCredit App. Your physical card will be sent to you and should arrive within 10 days.

The University of Messina provides a comprehensive suite of online services and platforms to enhance your academic experience and streamline administrative processes. These include:

  • UniMe ESSE3: The Student Portal: A centralized platform for managing your academic profile, course enrollment, exam registrations, and more.
  • AppUniMe: A multilingual mobile application designed for managing your academic career on-the-go, accessible with your ESSE3 credentials.
  • Student Email (UniMe Mail): A Microsoft Office 365 integrated email system, providing essential communication and access to a wide range of digital tools and resources.

To effectively utilize the online resources available at the University of Messina, follow these steps:

1. UniMe ESSE3: The Student Portal

The ESSE3 portal is essential for all students. Here’s how to access and use its key features:

Access: Log in using your tax code (Codice Fiscale) as the username and the password you set during registration.

Key Features:

  • Enroll in courses and re-enroll for subsequent years.
  • Register for exams and view your results.
  • Manage your study plan and monitor your academic progress.
  • Print certificates and apply for mobility programs.

If you encounter issues logging in due to incorrect or missing email information, visit the Welcome Point for assistance.

2. AppUniMe

AppUniMe is designed to make managing your academic activities more convenient:

  • Download the App: Available for both Android and iOS.
  • Login: Use the same credentials as for the ESSE3 portal.
  • Features: Access your course schedule, exam dates, and academic updates directly from your mobile device.

3. UniMe Student Email

Your UniMe student email provides critical communication and access to Microsoft Office tools:


  • Ensure your enrollment is confirmed by the Student Secretariat.
  • Download the Outlook app or use the web version.
  • Add your account using your university email (
  • Use the ESSE3 portal password to log in.
  • Set up recovery options for secure access.


  • Access to Office 365, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
  • 5 TB of cloud storage on OneDrive.
  • Use Microsoft Teams for collaboration and virtual classes.
  • Connect to campus WiFi and access sports facilities using your credentials.

Enrolling at the University of Messina (UniME) is a straightforward process when you follow the steps outlined in our UniME First-Year Enrollment Guide

This guide will help you navigate the enrollment process efficiently, ensuring you have all necessary documents and complete each step correctly.

Step-by-Step Enrollment Guide

1. Gather Required Documents

Before you begin, make sure you have the following documents ready:

  • Passport
  • Student Visa
  • Declaration of Value (DoV) or CIMEA
  • Codice Fiscale
  • High School / Bachelor's Diploma
  • Admissions Letter
  • English Proficiency Certificate

2. Register on the ESSE3 UniME Platform

Access the ESSE3 UniME Webpage:

  • Go to the UniME ESSE3 webpage.
  • Select the English option from the menu.
  • Click on “Registration” and then on “Registration to the website.”

Fill in Personal Information:

  • Enter your Codice Fiscale and other personal details.
  • Provide your permanent address.
  • Enter your email address.
  • Create a secure password.
  • Review your information and confirm.
  • Complete the registration and Login with your Codice Fiscale and password.

3. Complete the Enrollment Process

Initiate Enrollment:

  • Begin the enrollment process to obtain your UniME credentials.

Select Enrollment Type and Course:

  • Choose “Immatricolazione standard” and “Open access degree program.”
  • Select your course type, search for your program, and choose your curriculum.

Confirm Course and Personal Data:

  • Confirm your chosen course.
  • Verify your personal data and confirm.

Upload Required Documents:

  • Upload your student visa or passport (if the visa is not available yet). Select “Tempo determinato” as the type of residence permit.
  • Upload your passport under “Insert new identity document.”
  • Upload your Codice Fiscale document.
  • If applicable, declare any disabilities.
  • Upload a personal photo.
  • For Bachelor’s degrees, enter your high school diploma details. For Master’s degrees, enter your Bachelor’s degree details.


  • Authorize UniME to access your ISEE Parificato data to adjust your tuition fees according to your financial situation.

4. Finalize Your Enrollment

Print and Sign Enrollment Application:

  • Print your enrollment application, sign all sections, and upload it along with your DoV (Declaration of Value) as a single PDF under “DOMANDA DI IMMATRICOLAZIONE FIRMATA.”

Make the First Installment Payment:

  • Go to the payment page, select the invoice, and pay the first installment either online via PagoPA or at a Tabacchi in Messina.
Student Life

The Student Life section is your guide to making the most of your time at the University of Messina, both inside and outside the classroom. Here, you’ll find information on everything from Orientation Days and Italian language courses to sports facilities, dining options, and library resources

Orientation Days at the University of Messina are hosted by UniMe Departments at the beginning of each academic year. These events are organized by the Student Ambassador Program (SAP) of each department and are designed to coincide with the preliminary UniMeet events.

During Orientation Days, you can expect:

  • Informative Sessions: Detailed presentations about your selected courses and an overview of university life at UniMe.
  • Introductory Events: Meet-and-greets with faculty, staff, and fellow students, along with short guided tours of the campus.
  • Social Activities: Opportunities to engage with the social and community aspects of university life, including casual evening events at local venues.

To fully benefit from Orientation Days, we recommend that you:

  • Arrive Early: Plan to arrive in Messina before your course start date to participate in all Orientation activities.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check your email for detailed information on the schedule, timing, and content of the Orientation Days.
  • Engage with Ambassadors: Take advantage of the guidance offered by student ambassadors who will help you navigate the campus, introduce you to various departments, and familiarize you with the university’s amenities.
  • Participate Actively: Attend the engaging events and activities planned, such as social evenings at local pubs, to start building connections with fellow international students.

Yes, the University of Messina offers Italian language courses specifically designed for international mobility students and foreign nationals. These courses are provided by the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations (DICAM) and are available throughout the academic year. 

The courses are structured for A1-A2 and A2-B1 levels and consist of 40 hours of instruction. Upon successful completion and meeting the attendance requirement of 75% (30 hours), students receive a certificate of completion.

How do I enroll in an Italian language course at the university?

To enroll in an Italian language course at the University of Messina, follow these steps:

  1. Registration Deadlines:
    • First Semester: Register by the 15th of October.
    • Second Semester: Register by the 25th of February.
  2. Registration Process:
  3. Course Details:
    • Schedule: Classes are held three times a week, with each session lasting two hours.
    • Location: Classes take place at the “Polo didattico interfacoltà” (Aulario).
    • Timetable: The timetable will be provided after the registration deadline.
  4. Academic Credit and Certification:
    • International students may earn ECTS credits by successfully completing the course, depending on the guidelines of their degree program's Study Manifesto.
    • A certificate of completion will be awarded to students who fulfill the course requirements, including the 75% attendance requirement.

For additional details and to access the application form, please visit here.