Single Courses

An opportunity is available to take university courses for reasons of cultural and professional updating without enroling in a degree course.

The University of Messina offers a wide range of single courses for those who need to increase their knowledge of certain areas of study.

Registration allows you to attend single courses and take the related exams, receiving a certificate that recognises the participation and knowledge acquired during the course.

Application call for the a.y. 2024-2025: from November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2025.

The tuition is as follows:

1) from 1 to 12 ECTS – € 300.00;

2) from 13 to 24 ECTS – € 600.00;

3) from 25 to 30 ECTS – € 900.00.

If students opt for the 25 to 30 CFU package but need additional credits, they must pay € 40.00 for each additional credit (ECTS).


The registration procedure

To participate in the single courses of the University it will be necessary to register ONLINE through the web portal of the university on-line secretary at and complete the procedure described below. Please note: Non-EU candidates (visa applicants) must first apply on the Universitaly Portal.

Procedure on the ESSE3 portal:

  • Register by providing personal identification data. Enter your user name (your Italian identification number) and the password issued during registration.
  • To access the matriculation function for single courses, indicate which credit package you intend to choose (up to 12, 24 or 30 CFU).
  • Print the enrolment application and make the payment through the PagoPA procedure. If you have problems with the University payment system PagoPA, you can pay with a bank transfer to the account number:
    Unicredit Bank
    IT 16W 02008 16511 000300029177
    University of Messina
    You must specify the reason for payment as: 'Single courses enrolment'.
  • Send the payment receipt and the enrolment application to no later than October 31, 2025.
  • Once the enrolment and acceptance procedure has been completed, you will have to access the on-line secretary portal again ( and add the exams to be taken by clicking on the Study Plan and following the procedure until arriving at the entry 'Confirmation Plan' ('Conferma Piano').
  • To take the exam for any courses you have enroled in, you must follow the same procedure. Access the online portal and use the on-line secretary to sign up for the exam.
  • To close the 'Single courses' career, contact the competent Student Secretariat.