Starting from the 2nd semester of the A.Y. 2023/2024, the multidisciplinary teaching 'Sustainability', recently activated at the University of Messina, will be also delivered in English.
In the previous academic year, about a thousand students (source: ESSE3) opted for including this teaching among those to be chosen and inserted in their study plan.
The University of Messina, in its constant interest and commitment in promoting sustainable development and ecological transition, is now opening this opportunity also to the large number of international students enrolled in UniME study courses.
All students enrolled in bachelor's, master's and single-cycle degree courses can choose this new multidisciplinary course and include it as an 'activity of the student's choice' (taf D) following the procedures already established for the inclusion of subjects at their choice. The course can also be attended by PhD students, scholarship holders and research fellows registered at the University of Messina.
For the academic year 2023/24, both courses 'Sostenibilità' (in Italian) and 'Sustainability' (in English) will be available online starting from the second semester.
The course is divided into 11 thematic lessons, for a total of 36 hours of course, held in collaboration with university professors who are experts in the various disciplines listed below:
1. Concept of Sustainability from a philosophical-epistemological, anthropological and sociological perspective.
2. Legal foundations of Sustainability.
3. Major issues of environmental Sustainability: causes and consequences of climate change.
4. Energy transition and sustainability.
5. Sustainable mobility.
6. Circular Economy and Sustainability.
7. Nutrition, health and sustainability.
8. Sustainability and digital technologies.
9. Equity, inclusion and social justice.
10. Communicating Sustainability.
11. Measuring Sustainability.
To pass the final exam (in the form of a multiple choice test), a minimum grade of 18 is required. Passing the exam allows the students to acquire 6 credits.
It is strongly recommended to attend the complete video lessons: the complementary slides made available do not represent an alternative to the overall attending of the video lessons.
The video lessons of the 'SUSTAINABILITY' teaching are now available at the following link:
Users who have never accessed the moodle platform must do so in order to view the lessons. As soon as you log in with your institutional credentials (codicefiscale@studenti.unime.it) on the moodle platform, just send an email to progetto.sostenibilita@unime.it, specifying your username.
Registrations open to book the exam Sustainability - first call of summer session, 2023/2024.
The date scheduled for the first call is on June 13th.
The exam will take place starting from 14.30, room n°. 206, via Pietro Castelli (Aulario)
Contacts: progetto.sostenibilita@unime.it