Starting from the a. y. 2025/2026, the university fees set by UniME for international students will be calculated based on the country group. Further information in the dedicated section below.
A fixed rate of € 156.00 is due during the enrolment process. Unime tuition fees can be paid in one single instalment or in three instalments.
The invoice for tuition payment can be seen on the student’s private ESSE3 page approximately one month before the due date.
Please note: Tuition fees for Vocational Master Programmes (Master Universitari) vary on the basis of the chosen programme. Specific information is reported in the call for application yearly published.

Starting from the a. y. 2025/2026, the tuition fees set by UniME for international students will be calculated based on the country group.

The UniME tuition for the A.Y. 2024/2025 is determined on the basis of the ISEE University value/Equivalent ISEE according to a sliding scale, as illustrated above.
During the enrolment process for the A.Y. 2024/2025, students can choose the method of payment of the yearly all-inclusive tuition fees between two options:
- one single payment (with benefit of a 20% reduction of the due yearly all-inclusive tuition fees).
- payment in instalments.
For accounting reasons, students are not allowed to change this choice during the year.
Option 1: one single payment
Fixed rate of € 156.00 (€ 140.00 Regional tax for the Right to Education, except in cases of exemption, + € 16.00 stamp duty).
Payment deadline: December 31, 2024 (without extra fee).
Yearly all-inclusive tuition fees calculated according to the scale mentioned above. This option gives the benefit of a 20% reduction of the due yearly all-inclusive tuition fees.
Payment deadline: January 31, 2025. Deadline postponed to February 21, 2025.
Option 2: payment in instalments
Fixed rate of € 156.00 (€ 140.00 Regional tax for the Right to Education, except in cases of exemption, + € 16.00 stamp duty).
Payment deadline: December 31, 2024.
First instalment of the yearly all-inclusive tuition fees calculated according to the scale mentioned above.
Payment deadline: January 31, 2025.
Second instalment of the yearly all-inclusive tuition fees.
Payment deadline: March 31, 2025.
Third instalment of the yearly all-inclusive tuition fees.
Payment deadline: June 27, 2025.
Important notice:
The extra fee for late payment of the single instalments is € 14.00.
Even if students are scholarship holders, they are required to pay the fixed rate of € 156.00. You will be reimbursed for the amount of € 140.00 (Regional tax for the Right to Education).
International students must also have a document, issued by the Italian diplomatic/consular authorities in the Country of origin, certifying their family/personal income in their country of origin. This document is indispensable for the calculation of fees to be paid to get access to service facilities such as the canteen.
Italian students (with an Italian qualification or a foreign qualification and residing in Italy) pay the tuition fees on the basis of the ISEE-U.
For more information: Tasse ed esenzioni | Università degli Studi di Messina (unime.it) (page in Italian).