Help UniME, the University Ticketing System is a system based on the Atlassian Cloud's Jira Service Management Platform that allows companies, organisations or institutions to assign tickets to each of the applications they receive, making it much easier to manage support requests (via e-mail or telephone) and other exchanges of information with their users.
The service offered by the Web Staff Unit consists of:
- Design and selection of the platform to be adopted for the implementation of the service.
- Graphic interface design.
- Management, maintenance and updating of the platform.
- Queue management.
- User training.
- Help desk.

The platform is accessible to authorised staff and enrolled students by accessing the link with their institutional account:
Office Dashboard: https://www.office.com/?auth=2 (within the ‘All apps’ section by clicking on the Atlassian Cloud icon).
Furthermore, after the first login, you can manage your requests from the UniME dashboard by clicking on the ‘your tickets’ icon.
To better understand how the Help Unime platform works, it is important to read the attached guides, divided by Agent and Customer (files in Italian).