Test for Additional Formative Requirements (OFA Test)

What is an Additional Formative Requirement (OFA)?
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If the entrance examination reveals deficiencies in basic knowledge, it is still possible to enrol, but it is necessary to carry out some additional activities, known as Tests for Additional Formative Requirements (OFA, standing for the Italian Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi).

Therefore, students who have taken a TOLC test but have not passed the entrance knowledge test, i.e., the score obtained in the TOLC does not exceed the minimum thresholds established by the Degree Course, are assigned a formative requirement, the so-called OFA requirement.

To enable enrolled students to recover the OFAs, i.e. the additional academic requirements assigned during enrolment in the Degree Course, two evalutation methods are available: OFA test and exams.

Through CISIA, UniME delivers free OFA tests, which are also administered online in UniME IT classrooms and have the same types and structure as TOLC tests (same sections, same number of questions and same maximum time), with the only difference being that OFA tests do not have an 'English' section.

Unlike TOLCs, OFAs are locally valid, that is, they are only recognised by the university that administers them (and not recognised by other universities).

OFA tests are disciplinary and are, therefore, the same types as TOLC tests:

OFA-AV test, OFA-B test, OFA-E test, OFA-F test, OFA-I test, OFA-PSI test, OFA-S test, OFA-SU test, English test OFA-E, English test OFA-F, English test OFA-I

For detailed information about this method of evaluating the recovery of OFA requirements, it is possible to consult the summary table of the OFA test assessment for the A.Y. of enrolment in the first year of the course, with all the details about types, sections and relative minimum thresholds defined by the Degree Courses (see related documents available below).

The OFA tests will be administered, in person only, according to a calendar of scheduled dates during the calendar year, indicating the opening and closing date and time for registration, which will be published on this page as soon as available.

Registration for OFA tests is carried out through the student's reserved area on ESSE3; all the necessary information will be published on this page as soon as available.

Each Degree Course identifies the exams in the basic subjects of the first course year that are useful for the evaluation of the recovery of OFA requirements. For detailed information about this method of evaluating the recovery of OFA requirements, it is possible to consult the table summarising the exams recognised for the purpose of evaluating the recovery of OFAs by the Degree Courses, relating to the academic year of enrolment in the first year of the course (see related documents available below).

Please note that students who do not fulfil the assigned additional formative requirements by the end of the first course year must re-enrol for the same year.