In November 2023, during the ceremony organized in Rome at the Ministry of Health, the Onda Foundation awarded three Pink Stamps to the University Hospital of Messina as recognition to reward hospitals committed to promoting gender medicine, and which have distinguished themselves for offering services dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the main female pathologies.
The evaluation of the hospital facilities and the assignment of the Pink Stamps took place through an application questionnaire consisting of approximately 500 questions, each with a pre-established value, divided into 15 specialist areas plus a section dedicated to general services for the reception of women and one for the management of cases of violence against women and healthcare workers.
Among the evaluation criteria taken into consideration, the presence of clinical specialties that treat typically female health problems and transversal to the two genders that require differentiated pathways, typology and appropriateness of diagnostic-therapeutic pathways and clinical-assistance services in a gender-oriented multidisciplinary perspective, the offer of services related to the reception of users for women's hospitalization in support of diagnostic-therapeutic pathways (volunteers, cultural mediation and social assistance), and finally the level of preparation of the hospital for the management of victims of physical and verbal violence.