Published in the albo di Ateneo No. 105 of 16/06/2021 prot. No. 77121 of 16.06.2021.
The deadline for online submission of applications for admission to the PhD Call is 16.07.2021.
Extension deadline for submission application for competition admission to the PhD courses, 37th cycle: 20/7/2021 h. 23:59.
PhD Call 37th Cycle is composed by 14 attachments of the PhD courses, with the specification of: web page for viewing the PhD attachment, available PhD positions (with and without scholarship), affiliated external bodies financiers of scholarships and in partnership, qualification required for access, documents to be attached to the application, scores to be attributed for qualifications and exams and participation fee.
A total of 119 positions are envisaged, of which 93 with scholarship or other financial support and 26 without scholarship.
It should be noted that due to mere clerical error, the attachment of the PhD course in Bioengineering Applied to Medical Sciences shows 2 positions without scholarship, instead of 1 position without scholarship.
Candidates from particularly poor and developing countries defined in the Ministerial Decree No. 156 of the 12th February 2021 are exempt from the payment of the aforementioned contribution.
Can make use of self-certifications, as expressly provided for in
articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree No. 445/2000 and subsequent amendments and additions:
1) Italian and EU citizens;
2) citizens of States not belonging to the European Union, legally residing in Italy, limited to
states, personal qualities and facts certifiable or verifiable by Italian public entities
(specifically: degree obtained at an Italian University).
Click here to download the self-certification.
Please note: candidates, EU and non-EU citizens, with a qualification/s of study/s
abroad/achieved/s in EU and non-EU countries, must attach the certificate of title/s of study/s
held/s (Master’s degree) from which it is deduced:
1. the duration of the study course;
2. list of examinations with the relevant marks (transcript of records);
3. the indication of the University that issued the qualification;
4. the date of graduation and the final vote.
with attached an official translation in Italian or English, released by the University that issued
the title.
All candidates must attach to the procedure a scanned copy of a valid ID [with photo].
The procedure for submitting the application for participation in the selection is available at;jsessionid=D1B476DE0F7A0EF879875EDD5D949ABE.esse3-unime-prod-01?cod_lingua=eng
Please note:
- Italian citizens candidates must access the Esse3 platform, using SPID credentials. For info click here;
- Foreign candidates will be able to access using Esse3 credentials obtained by following the Registration/Login procedure