Joint Research PhD Thesis

Joint Research PhD Thesis


Joint Research PhD Thesis represents a significant opportunity for the PhD student to carry out international cooperation-oriented research.

This method, involves the PhD student's enrolment in two universities in two different countries and the release of two distinct qualifications with legal value recognized by both countries.The PhD student's research project in the joint research is followed by two tutor professors, one for each university, and the PhD student alternates roughly equivalent study periods in both universities.

Joint Research PhD Thesis is requested by the PhD student and is activated following verification by the PhD Board of the PhD student's requirements and the required documentation is governed.

It is governed by art. 27 of the University PhD Regulations and differs from the Joint PhD and the Doctor Europeaus.3

It refers to the:

  • Incoming co-tutorship for PhD students already enroled in a PhD course at a foreign university abroad (Home Institution) and hosted by the University of Messina (Host University)
  • Outcoming co-tutorship for PhD students already enroled in a PhD course at University of Messina (Home University) and hosted by a foreign university (Host Institution).

Activation Procedure

To activate joint research, a Framework Agreement for International Cooperation between the two Universities must already have been signed.

At national level, framework agreement have already been adopted with:

- France, CRUI-CPU framework agreement (Conférence des Présidents d'Université), signed the 13th February 1998
- Spain, CRUI-CRUE Agreement (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities), signed the 15th June 1998
- Germany, CRUI-HRK Agreement (Conference of Rectors of German Universities), signed the 17th November 2000
- Swiss, CRUI-CRUS Agreement (Conference of Rectors of Swiss Universities), signed the 26th February 2003.

Once the presence of a Framework Cooperation Agreement has been verified, the PhD student requests the activation of joint research supervision filling the attached form Request Joint Research PhD thesis Incoming/Outgoing.

Joint Research PhD Thesis is activated through a nominative agreement stipulated between the Rectors of the Universities involved. The procedure is instituted during the first year of the PhD Course, upon request of the doctoral student, following the favorable opinion of the PhD Board in which the student is already enroled (outgoing) or will be enroled (incoming). The PhD Board may also authorize the activation of Joint Research PhD Thesis for PhD students enroled or to be enroled in the first months of the 2nd academic year of the course, if there are particular scientific interests. The PhD student must enrol in both universities, but will be required to pay fees only at the administrative headquarters.