ITA-L2 - Italian Language Test for International Students

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In order to enrol in a study programme taught in Italian, non-EU students residing abroad are required to demonstrate a B2 level knowledge of the Italian language according to the Common European Framework of Reference. Higher Education Institutions must verify the language competence for the admission to study courses taught in Italian.

At the University of Messina, the procedure for verifying the knowledge of the Italian language for students from non-European countries applying for a visa takes place through the ITA-L2 Test, which is mandatory for all study programmes taught in Italian.

The test is considered passed with a minimum score of 55 correct answers out of a total of 72 questions. The University recognises the validity of the ITA-L2 Tests taken at other universities and passed with the same minimum score.

Students who have already achieved an International Italian Certificate of proficiency, issued according to the CLIQ system (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualità) and with a grade not below the B2 level of the Council of Europe, are exempt from taking the test. CLIQ brings together the current certification bodies (University for Foreigners of Perugia, the University for Foreigners of Siena, Roma Tre University, the 'Dante Alighieri' Society) and the University for Foreigners 'Dante Alighieri' of Reggio Calabria, also in agreement with Italian Cultural Institutes abroad or other Institutions. These certifications can be obtained in the country of origin, in the approved examination centers all over the world.

Students interested in taking the ITA-L2 Test must register on the University portal according to the instructions given below.

Session calendar available soon

Candidates admitted to the test will receive a communication with further instructions to access the virtual classroom. Only candidates contacted in advance by e-mail are allowed to take the test. 

Please note: In the event of an unjustified absence, a new registration and payment will be required to take the test. In the event of non-admission to the test due to irregularities or lack of technical and/or environmental requirements, the test will not be rescheduled and the registration fee will be not refunded in any case.

  1. Register on ESSE3 (Select 'Register' / Registrazione from the top right menu). Important: Candidates must register by reporting exactly the data in their passports. In case of discrepancies, recognition will not be possible before the start of the test.


  2. Login using the login credentials received by e-mail after registration (Select 'Login' from the top right menu).


  3. From the menu, select first 'Secretariat' / Segreteria and then 'Assessment Test' / Test di valutazione.


  4. In the 'Competition List' / Lista concorsi, select TOLC ITA-L2 

The handbook with the registration procedure is attached below.

A registration fee is due. Only after payment of the fee, the registration will be confirmed. The sum will be refunded to those who are eligible and who enrol at UniME. It will be possible to take the test a maximum of two times.

Please note: In the event of an unjustified absence, a new registration and payment will be required to take the test. In the event of non-admission to the test due to irregularities or lack of technical and/or environmental requirements, the test will not be rescheduled and the registration fee will be not refunded in any case.

UniME TOLC ITA-L2 room set-up

How to set up the room before the ITA-L2 test

Required devices:

  • A laptop computer, connected to the power supply or with a charge of at least 3 hours, to take the test.
  • Headphones or wired earphones for listening (please note: Bluetooth earphones are not allowed).
  • A smartphone or tablet with video camera, connected to the power supply or with a charge of at least 3 hours, to access the virtual classroom.
  • A stable Internet connection.

The room in which you will take the ITA-L2  test must be well lit and quiet, with only one access door, which must always remain closed. You must be alone in the room for the duration of the test.

Place only the following on your desk:

  • Laptop computer.
  • Headphones or earphones connected by cable to the laptop.
  • The ID document with which you registered, preferably your passport.
  • One or two blank sheets of paper and a pen for notes.
  • A lamp, if you need one.
  • A transparent, unlabeled bottle of water, if you need it.

Wearing smartwatches is not permitted.

Disable all smartphone/tablet notifications and filters and place the device behind you on a stable stand, so that you can film yourself sitting at your desk during the test. The device must frame you at a side angle of 45 degrees to your shoulders and from a height above the desk. The desk and at least the opening side and the door handle of the room must be framed.

Instructions for the ITA-L2 test

At the time communicated in the instruction e-mail you received from CISIA, log in to the virtual classroom. When you are called by the Commission, you will have to show the room in which you are taking the test, the desk, your ID document, and the control code on the PC screen, according to the CISIA instructions sent by e-mail.

If your room is set up according to the instructions, you will be allowed to place your smartphone correctly behind you, according to the instructions given above. You will be validated and will be able to take the test at start-up.

Remember not to talk during the test and always use headphones or earphones for listening. If you need to communicate with the Commission, you can always use the chat displayed on the monitor during the test, which is specially set up on the CISIA platform.

During the test, you will not be allowed to stand up and must always remain connected to the virtual classroom without ever disconnecting audio and video.

Please note:

  1. Make sure that you have set up the room correctly before connecting to the virtual classroom. If your room configuration does not meet all the above requirements, you will not be validated and will not be able to take the test. 
  2. In the event of an unjustified absence, a new registration and payment will be required to take the test. 
  3. In the event of non-admission to the test due to irregularities or lack of technical and/or environmental requirements, the test will not be rescheduled and the registration fee will be not refunded in any case.
  4. If a device goes off during the test, the test will be cancelled, and you will have to re-register (including payment of registration fee) to take the test.
  5. If during the test even one of the above instructions is not followed, the test will be cancelled, and you will have to re-register (including payment of registration fee) to take the test.

For further information, candidates are invited to read carefully the CISIA instructions attached below.

UniME wishes you a successful ITA-L2!

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UniME ITA-L2 Test Tutorial