The “G. Martino” of Messina (participating as a hospital in the “Bollini Rosa” network - http://www.bollinirosa.it/) joined the second edition of the H-Open Week, an initiative promoted by the “Onda” Foundation (National Observatory on Health of women and gender), on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
On Thursday 24 and 25 November 2022, at the Psychiatry department of the AOU “G. Martino", free psychological and psychiatric interviews were held, with consultations also from the social service, dedicated to couple problems. The objective is to act from a prevention perspective to have greater awareness also of those "alarm bells", which it is good to learn to listen to in order to recognize behaviors in time which often lead to serious aggressive phenomena.
The initiative is part of the communication and awareness campaign: "Violence has many faces: no mask to fight it", conceived by the Onda Foundation in order to encourage concrete management of this drama by institutions, women, men, media and civil society, as well as providing women with concrete tools to help them.