By rector's decree, a University Commission for Sustainability was established, whose task will be to systematize the complex set of alreadỳ existing initiatives and actions and plan new ones, defining, with a unified, structured and interdisciplinary approach, a path that can contribute concretely to sustainable development and the promotion of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals; A reporting process will also be launched that will lead to the drafting and publication of the University's first Sustainability Report.
University Commission on Sustainability
A new teaching on Sustainability will enrich Unime's educational available programs starting from A.Y. 2022/23. The teaching will enable the understanding of the concept of sustainability according to a multi- and trans-disciplinary approach by proposing a didactic path that integrates knowledge typical of the humanistic-social and scientific-technological fields. The environmental, economic, legal, energy and sociological aspects, which characterize the theme of sustainability, will be explored from a trans-disciplinary perspective to enable an understanding of the real complexity associated with the sustainable ecological transition.
Multidisciplinary teaching Sustainability
Being sustainability a topic of great interest to the university and having an interdisciplinary character, many "research and service centers" working in various fields show special attention and sensitivity to the topic of sustainability.