Environmental Education - Sustainability courses


Sustainability issues are the guiding principles of every University activity: from the training and education of its students and students, to the optimization of its internal processes. With this in mind, the University of Messina offers several educational solutions that award training credits and recognize specific skills. 

A new teaching on Sustainability of 6 cfu enriches Unime's educational offerings starting from a.y. 2022/23. All students enrolled in three-year, master's and single-cycle master's degree programs will be able to choose the teaching and enter it as a "student's choice activity" (taf D) by following the procedures already in place for entering choice subjects 

Multidisciplinary teaching Sustainability

A degree program in environmental sustainability and innovation was introduced with the aim of training professionals who are experts in environmental protection and capable of addressing and finding possible solutions to the various and increasingly pressing issues related to eco-sustainable development.

Postgraduate courses have also been introduced on the topic of sustainability, such as the master's degree course in Law of Innovation and Sustainability (LM/SC-GIUR) accredited by ANVUR for A.Y. 2023/24  and such as the national doctorate in "Sustainable Development and Climate Change," in which the University of Messina co-funds six fellowships under the coordination of the IUSS University School of Advanced Studies in Pavia, and the associate doctorate in "Ecological Transition," which offers a training program, also structured through research and experimental development, aimed at enhancing and implementing the culture of environmental, economic and social sustainabilitỳ in an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting way, to aim at safeguarding the planet and the well-being of its inhabitants.

Inter-university PhD programmes