Environmental Sustainability - Student-led society

The world in the hand

The RUS (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development) is the first experience of coordination and sharing among all the Italian universities involved in the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

The main aim of the Network is to disseminate culture and good practices of sustainability, both inside and outside the Athenians (at urban, regional, national, international level), so as to increase the positive environmental, ethical, social and economic impacts of the actions implemented by the members of the Network, so as to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and so as to strengthen the recognition and value of the Italian experience at international level.

The RUS Coordination Committee - Network of Universities for Sustainable Development launches work tables on specific topics in order to achieve the RUS institutional objectives, based on certain needs and with a time horizon defined.

The Working groups shall have full internal organizational autonomy and shall report periodically on the results of their activities to the Coordination Committee.


From this year the University of Messina joins all the working groups of the RUS and the Student Community Work Table. The names of the students Referents of the Student Community Work Table are:

- Calabrese Simona, medical and surgical student and representative in the Academic Senate

- Pagliaro Antonio, Student of Dentistry and representative in the Academic Senate.