In the report of the University Committee on Sustainability available at Sustainability Commission Report on page 4, in addition to the investment and supply policies used to select suppliers of goods, services and works in compliance with european directives, policies to mitigate climate effects are also defined.
In order to mitigate its impact on the climate and the environment and to achieve the climate neutrality objective in 2040, the University carries out energy audits to ensure effective and efficient infrastructure management, with a view to energy saving and alternative energy production from renewable sources, evaluates opportunities for decarbonization of the various educational poles and promotes sustainable mobility actions and alternatives.
Depending on the policies and actions undertaken by the University, it is estimated a reduction of CO2 in line with the provisions of the National Electricity Strategy (SEN) of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, which has defined two scenarios that foresee the progressive development of renewable energies and the progressive reduction of the use of coal in line with the commitments made by Italy at European and international level.