The University of Messina stipulates within its Code of Ethics that those who work within it scrupulously conform their behavior to the rules of conduct responding to ethics and undertake to act in accordance with the principles dictated by the Code assuming, in particular, as the supporting basis of their actions the values of absolute respect for the dignity of the human person of the recognition of inviolable rights and the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of solidarity; of equality among those who work within the university community, without any distinction based on the nature of the activity carried out, sex or sexual orientation, race, religion, personal and social conditions or any other title; of the protection of minorities of any nature (religious, political, linguistic or other).
It is forbidden for any worker to engage in harassing behavior towards other members of the university community or external parties with whom he or she comes into contact, as well as to engage in discrimination of any kind in the performance of his or her activities, particularly on the basis of diversity of sex, sexual orientation, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions, physical appearance, color, language, ethnic origins, citizenship, and age.
In order to adopt measures for the promotion of equal opportunities, the University of Messina has established a Single Committee of Guarantee for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the welfare of those who work and against discrimination (CUG), which has the role of promoting equal opportunities for all components of the University Community (faculty, administrative staff, students, interns and staff with atypical contracts. The functions of the CUG are propositional, consultative and verification, and are aimed at the promotion and protection of equal opportunities and the working and organizational well-being of all components of the University.
CUG (Comitato Unico di Garanzia) - University of Messina
In the area of inclusion, the University's Interdepartmental Center named "Center for Migration, Social Integration and Intercultural Communication" (CEMI) was established, whose basic objective is to promote projects for the development of activities and initiatives aimed at multicultural integration and social inclusion. In particular, the Center's activities are mainly aimed at asylum seekers and status holders related to applications for international protection. The University, through CEMI, has already carried out positive training experiences and gained experience in the management of projects for the enhancement of reception and information services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
In order to promote the culture of inclusion at the end of December 2021, the University of Messina has funded the SKILL IN project for the years 2022 and 2023, which provides for the activation of Paralympic disciplines and different sports practices involving various types of athletes, of all ages, with disabilities and able-bodied (Integrated Sports mode), through the activation of the sports sector for athletes with disabilities