Health and Wellbeing - Health care services


The "Center for Research and Psychological Intervention" (Ce.R.I.P.), among the main activities carried out, deals with psychological support interventions aimed at small groups or individual students with learning impairments and/or behavioral disorders, sex education courses (mainly aimed at adolescents, training and refresher courses for teachers and interventions to promote the well-being of teachers

Ce.R.I.P. Training Activities

An initiative, organized by the Municipality of Messina, in collaboration with the Ministry of Studies of Messina, the Hospital Martino University, the Hospital Papardo Company, the Provincial Health Company of Messina, the University of Studies of Messina, the Special Company Messina Social City, ATM Company Transports Messina, Italian Red Cross, Arcigay Messina, UniVersoME and SISM Messina, called "Keep your guard up!" took place on 3101/2023 at the "Palacultura" of Messina to raise awareness in the fight against AIDS.

Meeting to keep our guard up against AIDS