Health and Wellbeing - Mental health support


The C.E.R.I.P. (Center for Research and Psychological Intervention) offers to Doctors and Researchers and Family, to Administrators and Family and to Unime Students a series of benefits:


  • Psychological performance for children, adolescents, adults and elderly: neuropsychological assessment, psychodiagnostic assessment, interventions to promote personal well-being, psychodiagnostics, counseling and guidance, individual, family and group psychotherapy;
  • Advice in the field of work psychology and organizations: career counseling and skills assessment for adolescents and adults, management of staff selection processes, analysis of training needs, organizational interventions, counseling in cases of mobbing, assessment of work-related stress;
  • Training, refresher and vocational qualification activities, clinical supervision;
  • Research activity carried out on the basis of contracts or agreements.

C.E.R.I.P. Psychological Support